What is sjspr.radio?

sjspr.radio School House Media is an alternative media space for connecting. A wide open space we want to fill with the voices and stories of our Saint John's School Community.
In 2022 we launched a Sound Production for Media class. Offered to students, 9th-12th grades, as an elective course under the Visual and Performing Arts Department, it is our first step towards making our sjspr.radio media hub a dynamic interdisciplinary student-led venture.


List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • Q. Why sjspr.radio?

    One of our main objectives is to create and disseminate media content produced by and for all members of our community. To help us become more skillful creators and producers, we are using a very exciting and empowering communications framework known as media literacy
  • Q. What is media literacy?

    Our media partners at the Association of Media Literacy Educators (NAMLE) define it as “the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create and act using all forms of communication.”

    Media, in all of its formats, is present in our lives every single minute. Its educational impact is pretty much undeniable. When we make an effort to better understand it, our actions and creative outcomes become more powerful! This is how and why we want to use this space, to further our collective understanding of media and create unique content.
  • Q. Is this a real radio station?

    You bet it is! Let us explain. There’s no denying the modes and means of communication have changed over time, so much so that the way we create and consume media is not anything like it was just 10 years ago. Today we have podcasts, videoblogs, independent digital publications among other ever-evolving modes of production.  sjspr.radio is tempered to that reality.
    Our unique school media venture is continually fueled by an ample and diverse range of original content produced within multiple media formats. Our media hub call letters, sjspr.radio, are therefore not limited to traditional broadcast radio but rather inspired by its origins as the precursor of still the most immediate and far-reaching means of global communication.
    We may not have an actual transmitter in our school building, an assigned radio frequency we can be "tuned-in" to over the air waves, but we are certain that sjspr.radio has and will continue to create spaces for our community to communicate and listen to each other in a direct, authentic, and accessible manner, and that is precisely what radio is all about.
  • Q. How can I access sjspr.radio productions?

    We produce a diverse plethora of content. Many of our productions are mainly (audio) podcasts or live stream videos. 
    Good Night Little Hurricanes, Voices of SJS, In Goddess We Trust, Foreign Films for Kids, Teachers in One Word are all available on Spotify, and soon also on Apple and Google Podcasts.
    To access individual video productions you can click on the following YouTube playlists: Senior Talk, Thinking Ahead, and 100 Years 100 Voices from our Saint John's School official YouTube channel.
    For more detailed information of our sjspr.radio productions go to Why School House Media?
Welcome to one of our many audio shares!

Our Radio Station

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sjspr.radio productions

Saint John’s School

Saint John’s School is a non-profit, college preparatory, nonsectarian, coeducational day school founded in 1915. The school, located in a residential area of Condado, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, has an enrollment of over 800 students from Toddler to grade twelve. Instruction is mostly in English with the exception of language courses.