Welcome to the Counseling and Student Support Services Department at Saint John's School!

Saint John’s School is an exciting, challenging institution where students explore their individual abilities and talents. That being said, we are aware that few successes come without the support and encouragement of others. Few come without bumps along the way. Our specialists are available to help guide students and make sure they receive the help and assistance needed. The school provides support for counseling, psychological development and reasonable accommodations.

Counseling and Health Services

List of 3 items.

  • Counseling

    Confidential counseling services are available through the psychologist on campus. A student may choose to set up an appointment for counseling directly with the psychologist. They may also be referred for counseling by a teacher or other staff member. Also, parents may request services directly with the on-campus psychologist.

    Occasionally, because of the nature of a student’s problem or at his or her request, our psychologist will help arrange services for the student with a mental health professional outside Saint John’s School. Saint John’s School may, under special circumstances and when appropriate, require that a student receive psychological counseling. Parents will be contacted if a student is referred for testing and/or therapy.

    Within the limits of the law, students’ meetings with our psychologist are confidential. Generally speaking, what students share with the psychologist will remain confidential and do not become part of the student’s academic record. Personal issues will not be discussed with others unless the student grants specific permission, or unless the psychologist is so mandated by medical ethics, the law, or the courts.

    In accordance with Ley 177, Ley para el Bienestar y Protección Integral de la Niñez, Saint John’s School is obligated by law to report any suspicion of any form of child abuse to the appropriate authorities.
  • Psychological Development

    Saint John’s School believes in the holistic development of its students. Our department leads and coordinates several workshops and conferences for our community on a variety of topics. Conferences are aimed at different sectors of our Saint John’s School community including students, teachers and parents. Their main goal is to provide relevant, effective information and tools for the development of our student’s full potential.

    Recent conferences include:
    • A Kid’s Guide to Puberty
    • A Survival Guide for your Tweens and Teens
    • Suicide Prevention
    • Executive Functioning in the Classroom
    • Kindness Culture
    • Digital Footprint
    • Creativity
    • Eating Disorders
    • Alcohol, vaping, and other drugs
    We also offer a Character Development and Life Skills program through a tailored curriculum to meet the needs of our students, taking in consideration developmental stages, culture, and current events. This curriculum focuses on teaching Social Emotional Skills and reflects the characteristics established by the Profile of the Graduate. 
  • Reasonable Accommodations

    In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Saint John’s School offers reasonable accommodations that help ensure equal access to educational opportunities for students with learning disabilities. Diversity and individuality are embraced while promoting acceptance, tolerance, cooperation, equity, independence and confidence. The goals of providing reasonable accommodations are to reduce or eliminate the effects of the student’s disability and to help them have full access Saint John’s School’s rigorous curriculum. It does NOT, under any circumstance, reduce or lower academic goals or instructional objectives.

    In order for a student to be eligible to receive reasonable accommodations, he/she must fulfill certain criteria. These requirements are discussed in detail in our Reasonable Accommodations Guidelines

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Paloma Purcell, Ph.D.

    Paloma Purcell, Ph.D. 

    SJS School Psychologist
    Carlos Albizu University - Ph.D.
    Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras - BA in Education
    Carlos Albizu University - MS
  • Photo of Linett Jiménez, M.A.

    Linett Jiménez, M.A. 

    Early Childhood and Elementary Guidance Counselor
    Ana G Mendez
    Ana G Mendez - BA
    Ana G Mendez - MA
  • Photo of Jesica Báez Febus

    Jesica Báez Febus 

    Secondary Division Guidance Counselor
    Cambridge College - M.Ed
    Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus - Bachelor's Degree

Saint John’s School

Saint John’s School is a non-profit, college preparatory, nonsectarian, coeducational day school founded in 1915. The school, located in a residential area of Condado, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, has an enrollment of over 800 students from Toddler to grade twelve. Instruction is mostly in English with the exception of language courses.