Saint John's School is governed by a seventeen- member Board of Trustees. The Board is charged with the responsibility for establishing and maintaining the school’s educational philosophy in keeping with its private, nonprofit, nonsectarian purposes and in furtherance of the objects of the school. The Board also has a general charge to manage and control the affairs, funds and property of the school and to establish budget and control while authorizing all expenditures. These powers of the Board are exercised through its Trustees.

List of 4 items.

  • Trustee Responsibility

    The primary responsibility of a Trustee is to see that the school operates in the best interest of its students, teachers and members. As members of the Board, Trustees may not be the representative of the interest of any group. Rather, they have the legal obligation and responsibility to discharge their trust for the general welfare of the school. Trustees are custodians of the integrity of the school and the reputation that has been ingrained since its founding in 1915.
  • Board Committees

    To be efficient and effective the Board has established standing committees to consider matters requiring additional detail or study by selected trustees who serve on and/or chair these committees in separate meetings also attended by members of the school administration. This committee structure allows for proper management of meetings and priorities of the Board to promote informed and considered decision making by the Board.

    Board Committees include Executive, Finance, Investment, Audit, Facilities and Planning, Faculty and Curriculum, Student Life, Development and Alumni Affairs, Trustees, and Financial Assistance, and Scholarship.
  • Board Composition

    Of the 17 Board Trustees nine (9) must be Parent Members of the Corporation (Parent Trustees) elected for each original full three-year term by the affirmative vote at the Members Annual Meeting. The Parent Trustees are divided into three classes in respect to term in office, each class to consist of three Parent Trustees who serve terms that have three different years of expiration so that three Parent Trustees are elected annually to three-year terms.

    The remaining eight (8) Trustees shall be known as General or Alumni Trustees. At least three, but not more than six of the eight (8) General and Alumni Trustees shall be Parent Members of the Corporation and at least two shall not be parents of the corporation. They are nominated and elected by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Trustees then in office at the last regular monthly Board meeting in February. At least three (3) trustees must be graduates of the school or have attended the school for not less than one year. General and Alumni Trustees hold office for the term of one year commencing with the regular March meeting of the Board or until their successors are elected.
  • Annual Meeting

    The Annual Meeting of the Members of the Corporation, open to attendance by all parents, is scheduled to be held at Saint John's School.  This year, the meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 25th, 2025 at 7:30 PM in the Carrady Center.

Meet the Board

Parent Trustees

Nannette Berrios (SJS '93) *
Member of the Board since 2019

Manuel Del Valle (SJS '96)*
Vice Chair
Member of the Board since 2020

Omar Ginorio

Evelyn Barlia (SJS '96)  *
Member of the Board since 2022


General Trustees

Ricardo Cruzval (SJS '03)*
Member of the Board since 2019

Eduardo Emanuelli (SJS '98)*
Member of the Board since 2020

José A. Fernández
Member of the Board since 1995

Jorge J. Fuentes (SJS '92)*
Member of the Board since 2009

Rafael Blanes (SJS '97) *
Member of the Board since 2019

Nazli Iqbal

Carlos Rodríguez

Richard Carrión (SJS '00)*

Dr. Sultan Yassin (SJS '97)*

Lauren Borschow

Glendys Villar (SJS '91)*

Laura Crumley 


Saint John’s School

Saint John’s School is a non-profit, college preparatory, nonsectarian, coeducational day school founded in 1915. The school, located in a residential area of Condado, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, has an enrollment of over 800 students from Toddler to grade twelve. Instruction is mostly in English with the exception of language courses.