The Secondary School provides a challenging, world-class academic curriculum, delivered within a program that seeks to address the social and emotional needs of the students. Personal responsibility of one’s own learning is stressed at all levels. Every student takes the core academic classes of English, math and social studies, science and Spanish. Physical education classes for grades seven through nine meet on a daily basis. In addition, all students in grades seven and eight take elective courses including health and computer programming, as well as opting for classes that include foreign languages, journalism, and current events.
For grades nine through twelve, students follow a college preparatory curriculum enriched by electives and advanced placement courses. Over 20 advanced placement courses are usually offered including English Literature, Spanish Literature, Computer ScienceBiology, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus AB & BC, Psychology, French, Italian, Studio ArtUnited States History, European History, and US Government & Politics. Elective courses usually offered include Anatomy and Physiology, Astronomy, Marine Biology, Computer ProgrammingEnvironmental Science, Visual Arts, French, ItalianTheater, Introduction to Economics, and Journalism.

Select From Below:

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Samuel Ortiz

    Mr. Samuel Ortiz 

    Secondary School Principal
    Ext. 3212
    Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico - BS
    University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus - BS
    UPR Mayaguez
  • Photo of Ellena Lopez

    Ellena Lopez 

    Dean of Student Life
    Ext. 3237
    University of New Mexico - BA Communicative Disorders & Hearing Science
    Harvard Graduate School of Education/Harvard Business School - School Management & Leadership (CSML)
  • Photo of Jaymee Díaz

    Jaymee Díaz 

Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements
  • Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year, all students must take the prescribed courses in English, Social Studies, Math, and Spanish every year in grades seven - twelve. 
  • In Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Spanish, all students are required to take three (3) credits in grades nine - twelve. There are prescribed courses for each department that are to be taken in grades nine - eleven. 
  • Students in grades seven, eight and nine are also required to take Physical Education, which includes a Health and Character Education component.
  • Beginning with the Class of 2023, all students will be required to take AP Capstone Seminar in tenth grade as an elective.  In addition, all students will be required to take one credit in the area of fine arts (visual arts, performing arts, or music) before they graduate. 

Saint John’s School

Saint John’s School is a non-profit, college preparatory, nonsectarian, coeducational day school founded in 1915. The school, located in a residential area of Condado, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, has an enrollment of over 800 students from Toddler to grade twelve. Instruction is mostly in English with the exception of language courses.