Secondary Division Clubs

List of 42 items.

  • Equipo de Oratoria en Espanol

    Adviser: Madeline Gomez
  • Hurricanes Harmonies

    Adviser: David Velez 
  • Art Club

    For students interested in art making, this club allows an opportunity to delve further than the courses through the curriculum to learn and develop artistic skills, present work and celebrate art.  (For students in grades 9-12)

    Adviser:  Maru Fuste
  • Anatomy Club

    The Anatomy Club is based on giving members a full understanding of anatomy but in a more fun and creative way. We will sometimes have a group activity such as speakers who have experience working with a certain organ system, virtual lab tours to show our members how certain parts of the human body help make vaccines or medicines that help treat the body, and/or discussing a science-related topic. Jeopardy-like or Kahoot will be two ways of delivering information to members. (For students in grades 9-12)

    Adviser: Rosa Rivera
  • Be a Bee Project

    This club works together to teach the importance of bees for the future of human development. They help beekeepers in Puerto Rico and work with various schools around the island to help educate others about their purpose. (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser: Rosalia Eiffert
  • Chess Club

    This club promotes the growth of the chess program and aims to get students interested in becoming better chess players. It allows students the chance to play chess on a regular basis in the school library. The club helps to plan, organize and implement intramural tournaments.  (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser:  Laura Garcia
  • Community Service Club

    This club provides opportunities for young people to work together doing projects and activities to support social causes and improve the lives of others within the SJS community and the community at large. (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser: Vanessa Ortiz
  • Eco-Escuela

    Eco-Escuela is like an umbrella. It belongs to the school. All the clubs related to the environment and community service fall under Eco-Escuela. It is a student-driven initiative, with some parents, administrators, and people from the community. We work together to make our school eco-friendlier. (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser: Lyaned Rivera
  • English Forensics Team

    It shall be the purpose of the SJS English Forensic Club, through participation in the interscholastic contest in public speaking and in the dramatic arts, to prepare high school students in the mechanics of the English language, as well as promoting a wholesome spirit of competition. (For students in grades 9-12 who are interested in Performing Arts and English Literature)

    Adviser: Madeline Gomez
  • Film Club

    Students have the opportunity to learn about film making, make some short films/scenes, and analyze and talk about movies. (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser: Sixto Ortiz
  • Entrepreneurship Club

    Adviser: Arquelio Feliciano
  • French Club

    The French Club aims to plan and conduct events that celebrate the study of French language and culture. It also continues to strengthen the partnership between Saint John’s and the Alliance Française.  (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser: Mayra Préstamo
  • French Honor Society & DELF

    The French Honor Society is an organization of students to recognize achievement in French and promote the study of French language and culture. Membership is by invitation only, and students must have completed at least two years of French courses (if new at SJS, at least one semester completed and a minimum grade of B in GPA) and demonstrate excellence in academics, service and dedication to the study of French. (For students in grades 9-12)

    Adviser: Mayra Prestamo

  • Green Key Society

    For students in grades 9-12 who excel academically, stand out as leaders and in service endeavors, and have proven a strong sense of pride and loyalty for Saint John’s School. Members are selected by a team of administrators who choose the students based on the attributes listed above, as well as their ability to represent our school in a variety of settings and scenarios. Students serve as ambassadors and representatives at different school events, initiatives, service projects, working primarily with the Secondary School administration and the Office of Admissions. (For students in grades 9-12)

    Advisers: Nissa Cardona 
  • "Hurricanes" Team Managers

    The "Hurricanes" Team Managers is a club and a vital component of our interscholastic athletics program.  Student Managers are part of Junior Varsity and Varsity teams, and they provide support to coaches and athletic directors with everything regarding the team, travel, competitions, etc. They also work as a liaison between coach and team, assisting with communication, logistics and operational matters. They will work with any activities organized by the Athletic department including invitational tournaments and all sports awards ceremonies. 

    If you are passionate about a sport and want to participate without being a player, become a student manager! (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser: Luis Camacho
  • International Thespian Society

    This drama club gives students an opportunity to participate in supervised creative dramatic activities. Members will engage in theatre-related opportunities, including: impromptu skits, monologues, play rehearsals, and technical theatre. The club will work on creative thinking and teambuilding skills provide its members with enriched experiences in the performing arts. (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser: Laura Molina
  • Investment Club

    For students who are interested in investment, economics and wealth management. The group meets to learn about the world of finance, investment strategies, and professional fields from experienced and knowledgeable speakers around the island. Students will also conduct mock investments to implement what they are learning. (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser: Natalia Bonelli

  • Italian Club

    For students who are studying Italian and wish to engage and expand their understanding of Italian culture and history, while they have opportunities to further develop their Italian language skills.  (For students in grades 8-12)

    Adviser: Francesca Biundo
    Prerequisites: Students who are taking Italian
  • Italian Honor Society

    It is an honor society at service for students with at least two years of Italian who will continue studying the language. (For students in grades 10-12)

    Adviser: Denise Freytes
  • Media Journalism "The Eye"

    Adviser : Francisco Santiago
  • Library Club

    We work on gathering students' voices to promote and develop library programs and evaluate the collection. We organize activities and develop community hours projects that are aligned to various library services, like open-mics, read alouds, surveys, among others. (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser:  Laura Garcia
  • Math Club

    (AMC 10/12, AIME, USAMO, USJAMO Invitational Competitions)
    This organization helps bring students together who are interested in mathematics. One of its foremost goals is to prepare students for participation in local interscholastic math competitions and participation in the AMC (American Math Competition.)  This club organizes participation in the Math Olympics.

  • Mathcounts/AMC 8

    The Mathcounts Competition Series is a national middle school program where each school selects their top ten (10) ranked students to represent the school in a mathematics competition. We select students from 5th grade through 8th grade for our training sessions. During the year, students are exposed to challenges and contest driven activities geared towards developing teamwork and problem-solving skills in mathematics. (For students in grades 6-8 with some in grade 5 for early training)

    Advisers: Fernando Román and Luis Beltran
  • National Honor Society

    The National Honor Society (NHS) elevates our students' commitment to the vales of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Membership eligibility is for students in grades 10-12. See the NHS By-laws for more information.

    Adviser: Natalia Bonelli
  • National Junior Honor Society

    The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is an organization of 8th and 9th grade students, who are selected by a faculty council on the basis of strong scholarship (B+ average or better) and outstanding Character, Service, Leadership and Citizenship. (For students in grades 8-9, by invitation and faculty selection)

    Adviser:  Ilanid Edry
  • Noor Club

    To educate both students and teachers alike on Islam and West and South Asian cultures creating a safe place and forum to express concerns or issues affecting the Muslim community. To act in accordance to the values of Islam in our school and island through charity, kindness and respect. (For students in grades 7-12. Club membership will be open to all students regardless of religious and ethnic orientation. Students need to be open-minded and respectful as well as willing to listen and learn.)

    Adviser: Dana Erickson
  • Math Club

    During high school, contest math usually involves a small number of difficult problems solved over several hours. Each problem requires a rigorous line of reasoning for full marks. In this club, we would like to mentor younger students by introducing them to new concepts and for the experienced members to hone their skills of solving the hardest kinds of problems. Members of this club will participate in inter school math contests, OMPR, and potentially the Puerto Rican Team Selection Test and international Olympiads. (1.) Students who achieve third round of OMPR are highly recommended to join. (2.)  Anyone with a strong interest in mathematics who would like to improve contest math skills.

    Advisers: Fernando Román & Luis Beltrán

  • Outreach

    The Outreach Program stems from a Problem-Based Learning Project whose main task was to work with the community service at the Saint John’s School. One group developed a new service and volunteer program which is student-run. Student administrators take ownership in the direction, implementation, and management of the School’s service and volunteering program. The Outreach Program’s main goal is to empower and motivate the students of Saint John's School to serve through the development of personal, lasting and meaningful connections with a cause, organization, or program of their choice. (For students in grades 10-12)

    Adviser: Patricia Del Toro

    Adviser: Patricia Del Toro
  • Poetry Out Loud

    This program encourages students to learn about great poetry through memorization and recitation. It helps students master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn about literary history and contemporary life through an annual Poetry Recitation Competition where students may enter and be considered for interscholastic competitions. Participation is voluntary. (For students in grades 9-12)

    Adviser: Jacqueline Jiang
  • Reader's Society Club

    The Reader’s Society club seeks to provide a motivating environment for students in the Secondary Division to read and share their interests Moreover, we aim to encourage students to diversify their reading interests and explore topics related to marginalized communities where they can learn about racial disparities, LGBTQ+, feminism and other underrepresented experiences. (For students in grades 7-12 who are committed to reading)

    Adviser: Judani Rodríguez
  • Robotics Club

    In our efforts to develop a Robotics’ Program, the Robotics Club will be part of the detailed three-year integration plan. Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, structural disposition, manufacture and application of robots and computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser: Arquelio Feliciano
  • Science Bowl Team

    Students with great interest in science to be trained for two different kinds of competition: fast-paced question-and-answer format, like Jeopardy in the areas of Biology, Physics, Energy Chemistry, Math, Earth & Space, and written questions and answers in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.. These students participate in the annual Saint John's School Science Bowl. There is a 7th/8th grade team and a 9th-12th grade team.

    Adviser: Joselyn Latimer
  • SJS Anti-Racism Leadership Collective

    This group aims to educate and train students to lead discussions and activities at SJS around the themes of racial identity, white privilege, and systemic racism (specifically anti-black racism). First, we will work on educating ourselves and reflecting on our identities. Then we will work on leadership skills in order to share what we learned with the rest of the school community. 

    All interested students will meet once for an orientation. After the orientation, students who wish to be part of the leadership collective will write a reflection paragraph in response to a question that Ms. Maldonado proposes. She will then choose participants based on their written reflections. (For students in grades 9-12)

    Adviser: Dana Erickson

    A place where students can discuss fashion, learn all about fashion business, and have a chance to share their own fashion creations. (For students in grades 9-12)

    Adviser: Ilanit Edry
  • SAGA

    Stands for Sexuality, Pride, Education, Change, Truth, Respect and Unity Movement. This organization meets regularly to provide opportunities for all students, teachers and members of the community to gain understanding and strengthen the straight-LGTB alliance and create a safer, compassionate, respectful and more understanding environment for all people. (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser: Isabel Franqui
  • Spelling Bee

    A spelling bee is a competition in which contestants are asked to spell a broad selection of words, usually with a varying degree of difficulty. 

    Adviser: Jacqui Pedley
  • Student Council

    This is a national organization comprised of secondary division students who have been elected by their schoolmates to represent them. It focuses on developing leadership, organizational skills, and community service.  (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser:  Michael Mancuso

  • Student Council Executive Board

    This is a national organization comprised of secondary division students who have been elected by their schoolmates to represent them. It focuses on developing leadership, organizational skills, and community service.  (For students in grades 7-12)

    Adviser: Michael Mancuso

  • Tabletop Games Club

    For students interested in investment, economics, and wealth management, the group meets to learn about the world of finance, investment strategies, and professional fields from experienced and knowledgeable speakers around the island. Students will also conduct mock investments to implement what they are learning.

    Adviser: Richard Kinch
  • UNICEF Club

    UNICEF is a leading humanitarian and development agency working globally for the rights of every child. UNICEF has spent nearly 70 years working to improve the lives of children and their families. Working with and for children through adolescence and into adulthood requires a global presence whose goal is to produce results and monitor their effects. Child rights begin with safe shelter, nutrition, protection from disaster and conflict and traverse the life cycle: pre-natal care for healthy births, clean water and sanitation, health care and education.  The Saint John’s School chapter supports and helps create awareness of the efforts conducted by UNICEF.  (For students in grades 7-12) 

    Adviser: Pedro de Jesús
  • VR Club

    The mission of this club is to expose and teach students about Virtual Reality and its possibilities, whilst including the fun component of VR. Students do not need any prior knowledge but must show an interest in learning about VR not just playing it. (For students in grades 8-10)

    Adviser: Arquelio Feliciano
  • Woman in Me

    An organization that helps create awareness of gender issues and promotes the interests and rights of women. The club meets periodically and holds conferences, sponsors activities to support women organizations, and invites lecturers to help promote awareness. Our aim is to empower young women to be the leaders of tomorrow. (For students in grades 9-12)

    Adviser: Vanessa Ortiz

Extra-Curricular Activities that Require Travel Outside of Puerto Rico

List of 3 items.

  • Cultural Enrichment Travel

    Students may join a group of teachers on a journey to a designated region (multiple countries) of the world. Each year the trip is announced at the beginning of the school year and students and parents have the opportunity to attend orientation meetings where all details are explained.
  • Model Organization of American States

    The Model Organization of American States, or M.O.A.S., consists of up to three (3) delegations of up to ten (10) students each, who represents a different country of the Americas every year before the Organization of American States in Washington, D.C. The members of the delegations participate in a model session held in the nation’s capital in early December. The conference is organized, led and overseen by the Organization of American States and delegates interact with country officials, ambassadors, and student-representatives from other countries. Throughout the first semester, members meet before and after school to conduct research on hemispheric issues from their assigned countries in topics such as government policy, health, education, technology, and economic development. As delegates, they learn how to write resolutions, sharpen their ability to speak in public, learn to use the parliamentary procedure, as well as, to work individually and as team members. (For students in grades 9-12)

    Advisers: Naceli Pérez
  • Model United Nations Club

    The club’s purpose is to learn about the United Nations and to help students develop leadership and debate strategies.  Students study the UN’s parliamentary system and participate in debates and competitions held locally throughout the year. Students have the chance to discuss current issues, represent international delegations and write viable resolutions designed to solve a “crisis.” Once a year, distinguished delegates have the option to participate in the NAIMUN competitions in the U.S. and/or abroad. (For students in grades 7-12)

    Note that while 7th and 8th graders may participate in the local competitions, only students in grades 9-12 are allowed to travel to the yearly competition in the U.S.

Saint John’s School

Saint John’s School is a non-profit, college preparatory, nonsectarian, coeducational day school founded in 1915. The school, located in a residential area of Condado, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, has an enrollment of over 800 students from Toddler to grade twelve. Instruction is mostly in English with the exception of language courses.